This heartwarming tale of Red Riding Hood deviates from the original to create a wholesome story of inclusivity and kindness to all living things. After the scary Wolf is injured when he’s chased from the house by Grandma’s broom, Red Riding Hood decides to take care of the hurt animal. After realizing he’s just a hungry animal that also needs to eat, she is inspired to open a Pet Hospital and Adoption Agency, so no animal is left alone, hurt, or sick. Even the Wolf becomes a weekly volunteer!
Red Ridinghood's Animal Hospital
Furniture and Accessories
Character Dolls
Carrying Case
Playsets are made from the same material as yoga mats and baby play mats, premium quality EVA foam and cardstock.
The house and furniture pieces fit snuggly together like a 3-D puzzle and fold flat in a portable carrying case conveniently designed to fit on your bookshelf. Assembling the house and furniture is as easy as pressing tabs into place.
We include detailed step by step instructions in each set. No tools or glue required!
Best for children ages 3+. And we find the this is a great toy for children ages 3-8. They play with it differently at different ages!
Choking Hazard. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.
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