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Jack and the Giant's Grocery Store and Beanstalk

In a twist on a fairytale classic, Jack goes to town to sell his family’s only cow for money to buy food. Against his mother’s wishes, he trades the cow for magic beans. When planted, the beans grow into a giant beanstalk that leads to a Giant’s house high in the sky. But rather than steal the Giant’s goose and golden eggs, Jack collaborates with this friendly Giant to open a grocery store - providing plenty of food for Jack, his mother, and the entire community! Build this adorable local grocery store while learning the power of making new friends and finding creative solutions to benefit everyone. And be sure to check out the DIY bean-planting project in the back of the included illustrated Storybook!


  • Grocery Store with Beanstalk
  • Furniture and Accessories 
  • Character Dolls
  • Storybook
  • Carrying Case